Work on the Project comprises construction of Tumon No. 2, Hyundai and Chaot No. 2 Reservoirs and system upgrades, including two 1.0 million gallon (MG) and one 0.5million gallon (MG) nominal capacity AWWA D110-13,Type I, pre-stressed concrete water tanks, earthwork, site work, on-site piping, utility tie-in connections, protective coatings, valves, concrete vaults, concrete headwalls and drainage structures, concrete pavement, electrical, instrumentation and controls, disinfection, testing, startup, and appurtenant work at all three sites. In addition, the Tumon No. 2 Reservoir work includes a control building, off-site piping, pressure reducing valves (PRV), and meters in concrete vaults. Hyundai Reservoir work includes a pump station, pump station upgrade, off-site piping, and PRV in a concrete vault. Chaot No. 2 Reservoir work includes chlorination system adjustments to Chaot and Agana Heights Reservoir sites, disconnections of wells to distribution lines, and chlorine analyzer modifications at eleven wells, and a PRV in a concrete vault.
Location: Upper Tumon, Hyundai and Chaot, Guam
Value: $ 20,893,361
Completed date: On-Going
Category: Government