Micronesia's Trusted Name in Specialized Construction Services

Safety & COVID

Safety Statement

We remain true to the same principles on which our company was founded four decades ago: providing superior service to our clients, putting safety first, creating opportunities for our people, delivering exceptional work.

Regarding COVID-19

AIC implemented an effective Pandemic Plan to prevent the spread of infection and maintain continuity of services. Our coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic protocols were implemented for the protection of AIC, its entities, and for the safety of our clients and personnel. AIC is committed to providing a safe environment for our employees, their families, subcontractors and our clients. Throughout this COVID-19 pandemic AIC has taken practical steps and implemented robust measures to ensure the welfare of all. We are monitoring the situation on a daily basis and are keeping up to date with the latest government and public health agencies’ advice. Moreover, we are keeping everyone updated on the actions being taken to limit risks of transmission in the workplace. Our offices and project sites are adhering to social distancing regulations and signage is in place.  Enhanced hygiene practices have been implemented and information about improved hygiene is regularly shared. Employees have been given information to help them identify symptoms that might be expected if someone contracts the virus. Employees have been advised of the steps to be carried out if they have COVID-19 symptoms at work or outside of work and if they are contacted by AIC in the event that they have been in “close contact” with a suspected COVID-19 case at work. We also have services at hand to deep clean the premises immediately should any potential cases be identified so that our staff are safe, and work can carry on. Employee resources for general information and recommendations in response to COVID-19 include:

Guam Homeland Security -Office of Civil Defense (ghs.guam.gov) Pandemic Flu.gov
FEMA National Situation Update World Health Organization (WHO)
Red Cross – Home Care Centers for Disease Control (CDC)