Extensive structural repairs of a three-story concrete building, originally built in the 1950’s. Structural issues and complete project control for complete restoration of spalled concrete, reinforcing steel corrosion, CMU wall infill for columns and beams. Partial demolition of the structure provided with new reinforcements to stabilize structure. BASF structural glass fiber sheet with epoxy resins to correct the corrosion damage at locations of column and beam reinforcing hoops/stirrups. The entire building exterior surface received elastomeric protective coating.
AIC worked in conjunction with the professional structural engineer to develop the design, which had continued occupancy of the facility throughout construction. The efforts including structural shoring support all three level of the building.
Client: KRS-Kwajalein Range Services (Prime Contractor)
Location: Kwajalein Atoll. Marshall Islands
Value: $ 4,130,000
Completed date: January 18, 2018
Category: Government, Remote Construction